Friday 18 April 2014

Today's observations

1. It's bank holiday. Everyone is off and all the shops are shut. What are we supposed to do then?
2. You know it's a public holiday when your OH is *in the shed*. There are now 38empty tins of paint, a dubious air bed, a baby rubber ring, an empty bottle of vodka (?),  12 split bags of charcoal, 3 empty bottles or lighting fluid, a broken parasol, and 155,345 empty wine bottles on our drive.
3. Free to a good home: 38tins of barely used high quality paint. Will need some elbow grease getting them open.
4. Don't ask a child to carry a bag home from the shop. Even if the bag is super light. They don't want to carry anything. They whinge the entire return trip home.
5. All that shed shite is still on the driveway. I wonder if there is a further plan for them.
6. Getting an extra day off is not as much fun when you are self employed.
7. Bank Holidays bring new uncovered family observations. We are all together for a longer period of time. I've noticed:
A. My children complain *all the time*.
B. They both have an insatiable requirement of *wanting* something at any given point in the day. They are seldom satisfied with not having been given something.
C. We have quite a lot of unused paint.
D. We all have a desire to have a BBQ, even if the climate doesn't quite suit.
8. When you try and place a new item into our refrigerator, all the condiments fall over. This really winds me up. We have 16 bottles of half-used pickles, creams, relishes, sauces and mayos. We could do with a separate fridge just for these.
9. We held a child's birthday party this week. I've written about birthday party etiquette before. I have a new addition to the list. I'd like to point out that, when there are 3bottles of lemonade that are already open, you don't need to open another one. On cleaning up yesterday morning, there were 4bottles of lemonade that all had had 1 glass taken from them. Groan.
10. Someone started the second coleslaw prematurely too.

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